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Is Alameda a FTX counterparty?

Our data showed that apart from other CEX addresses,Alameda was the only clearly identifiable counterparty prior to the debut of FTX. Alameda had received 5m FTT tokens from the FTX deployer contract two days prior to the FTX listing of FTT (on 29 Jul 2019).

Why did Alameda receive 174m FTT?

Alameda received 174m FTT ($4.1b) from theFTT ICO Contract and sent it to the FTX Deployer. This could either have been related to the “FTX loan in May / June” or FTX having to claim FTT tokens through Alameda’s wallet due to the inter-linked relationship between FTX and Alameda.

What happened between FTX & Alameda research 0x780?

On 12 May 2022, FTX sent another 155,443 ETH ($323.4m) to Alameda 0x780 which was eventually transferred to Genesis once more. On 26 May 2022, FTX sent 3.5m FTT ($103m) to Alameda Research: 0x780, which was eventually transferred to Genesis once more. We summarized the events that caused the “death-spiral” of both FTX and Alameda:

Did the Luna/Terra collapse reveal a flaw between Alameda and FTX?

Piecing together the pieces from our on-chain investigation,it was evident that the Luna/Terra collapse revealed a deep flaw between Alameda and FTX’s muddled relationship. There were significant FTT outflows from Alameda to FTX around the Terra-Luna/ 3AC situation.

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